Programme Objectives 課程目的:
The Pearson BTEC Level 3 Certificate in Enterprise and Entrepreneurship aims to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of entrepreneurship and enterprise. The programme objectives include developing entrepreneurial skills, knowledge of business operations, and the ability to start and manage a successful enterprise. The programme also provides students with practical experience in applying the concepts learned to real-life situations. Upon completion, students will have a solid foundation in the key principles of enterprise and entrepreneurship, and be well-prepared to embark on a career in this exciting and dynamic field.
Pearson BTEC Level 3企業與創業專業證書課程旨在為學生提供全面的創業和企業理解。課程目標包括培養學生的創業技能、對商業運作的知識以及開展和管理成功企業的能力。課程還為學生提供了將所學的概念應用於現實情境的實踐經驗。完成後,學生將在企業和創業的關鍵原則上有扎實的基礎,並為在這個令人興奮和充滿活力的領域中開展職涯做好了充分準備。
Entry Requirements 入學要求:
Successful completion of Secondary 3 or above 中三學歷或以上
Successfully passed 2 interviews 通過2次面試
Guided Learning Hours 指導學習時間 :
180 hours
180 小時
Module Outline 科目大綱:
Research and Plan a Marketing Campaign 研究和策劃營銷活動
Learners will gain skills relating to, and an understanding of, how a marketing campaign is developed. 學生將獲得與如何開展營銷活動相關的技能,並了解營銷活動的開展方式。
Enterprise and Entrepreneurs 企業與企業
Learners study enterprise and the mindset of entrepreneurs, exploring the risks, opportunities and constraints of starting an enterprise. 學生研究企業和企業家的心態,探索創業的風險、機遇和限制。